I have nRF52840-DK and also a nRF52840 Dongle with me and i have installed SEGGER Embedded Studio with "nRF5_SDK_for_Thread_and_Zigbee_v3.0.0_d310e71" SDK downloaded.
I am new to Nordic and SEGGER Embedded Studio Environment and I want to build an Zigbee based Code(application) for a device which is used for controlling GPIO's and Sensors, for that i have gone through below mentioned documents/Links
- nRF52_DK_User_Guide_v1.2.
- nRF5 Series: SES Getting Started Guide.
- https://infocenter.nordicsemi.com/index.jsp?topic=%2Fug_nrf52840_dk%2FUG%2Fnrf52840_DK%2Fintro.html
My questions were as follows,
1) How i can create a project from scratch?
2) How I can use the already present example codes from SDK to build my Code? As when i try to edit Files from already present example this changes the file in Whole SDK (pca10056.h file in Blinky example Code). So please help me with any guide which will help me use example codes properly without changing SDK linked files.
3) Also, Please help me with any step by step documentation where i can use SDK examples to Create our own project.
Thanks and Regards