I want to create my own bootloader for the nrf52810.
If i don't want to update my softdevice i just put my bootloader code just after my softdevice.
But it is not that easy if want to update the softdevice with my own bootloader.
Then i need to let the MBR know where my bootloader is. Where can i find more information on this topic?
The first question i have are:
- is the MBR part of the softdevice always the same?
- this part is never erased?
- if i program the vector table address of my boot loader at address MBR_BOOTLOADER_ADDR will it always jump to boot loader?
- How does this work?
- what does the MBR all do. The page size is 4k. So i think it does more than just jump to bootloader or softdevice
- What is the best way to program a value at address MBR_BOOTLOADER_ADDR? are there other safe ways?
- how do i let the MBR now to forward all the ISR to bootsoftware? or do i just change the VTOR register?
- Are there others things to consider?
- ...
- How does this work?
Best regard