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what is the cost of the ibasis card ?


After using the ibasis data available on the sim card:

- what is the cost per MB of data consumed on the ibasis provider, please ?

- After using the data available on the sim card, does the sim card disable automatically ?

- Do the process is a prepaid credit or a postpaid sim card ?

- If i add my credit card on the ibasis site:

does it generate a bill every month ?


must iadd data on the sim card to be able to use it ?

Already thanks for your responses.



  • Hi Christophe,


    - what is the cost per MB of data consumed on the ibasis provider, please ?

     You pay a fixed amount for a given amount of data, e.g. 10 euros for 20MB.

    - After using the data available on the sim card, does the sim card disable automatically ?

    Do no think its de-activated, it will just be displayed that all the available data has been used up. 

    - Do the process is a prepaid credit or a postpaid sim card ?

    Pre-paid.   You pay a fixed amount for a given amount of data.

    - If i add my credit card on the ibasis site:

    does it generate a bill every month ?


    must iadd data on the sim card to be able to use it ?

    The latter, you need to buy data first in order to send data.

  • So can you confirm that if there is no more data, then the thingy will not be able to send data until I buy data.

    What happen if the thingy continue to try to send data ? 

    - no data send.

    - data send to the apn and you must pay with extra cost ? (Feeling as this in the ibasis condition)

    Just to be to not explode cost during data send test ...WinkWinkWink

  • I have not topped off a SIM from iBasis, but when there is no data left on the SIM that comes with the DK you will get the -111 error code when attempting to connect to the nRF Cloud. As far as I know if you Top up your SIM with more data you should get the same behaviour once the top off amount has been used. 

    If you want to be absolutely sure, then I would contact iBasis support at [email protected]

    Best regards


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