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read 51822 edtion data from Register

Customer want to konw the IC edtion such the 51822qfaa-G3 or 51822qfaa-H2.  we know these information marked in the IC surface  , but it need to open the product house and look the PCBA.

So customer ask , do we have software methord to known these information, such as read some Register to get these IC editon information?

  • Hi,

    The build codes on the packaging tell you the revision (among other things). So for instance, G3 is rev2 and H2 is rev 3. There are no registers that let you read this, unfortunately.

    But I wonder why you need it in the first place? If you have a mix of revision 2 and revision 3, you can use the same firmware on both, provided you test on revision 2. This is because some errata have been fixed in revision 3, but applying the workaround for revision 2 does not do any harm. You can see this described in more detail in page 2-3 in PCN092 Product Change Notification v1.1.
