I am using nRF5_SDK_15.2.0 and with s132_nrf52_6.0.0_softdevice
I am trying to interface with external Flash (MX25l64) using SPI.so when ever i am trying to send any command /data to external flash i am getting only zero in the receiving buffer.(pData) in my case.
for transferring i have used this call
err_code = nrf_drv_spi_transfer(&spi, &Byte, 1, pData, 1);
void Spi_Init(void)
ret_code_t err_code;
nrf_drv_spi_config_t spi_config = NRF_DRV_SPI_DEFAULT_CONFIG;
spi_config.ss_pin = SPI_SS_PIN;
spi_config.miso_pin = SPI_MISO_PIN;
spi_config.mosi_pin = SPI_MOSI_PIN;
spi_config.sck_pin = SPI_SCK_PIN;
err_code = nrf_drv_spi_init(&spi, &spi_config, spi_event_handler, NULL);
printf("\n\rSPI example started. = %d \n",err_code);
here the err_code return value is always zero and Spi_init function return value is also zero.
it means it written NRF_SUCCESS as it is properly initilized and transferring data.
please help me to solve this issue.