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DFU Issue: No response after opening COM port


I follow "Configuring and performing DFU over Mesh" instraction and face with error after trying to transfer new app: "No response after opening COM port".

I do next steps: 

1. nrfutil.exe pkg generate --application bin/blinky/blinky_nrf52832_xxAA_s132_6.1.0.hex --application-version 2 --hw-version 1 --sd-req 0x00AF --key-file pkey.txt

2. nrfjprog --program bin/softdevice/s132_nrf52_6.1.0_softdevice.hex --chiperase

2. nrfjprog --program bin/ospace/mesh/bootloader/mesh_bootloader_serial_gccarmemb_nrf52832_xxAA.hex

3. nrfjprog --program bin/ospace/examples/dfu/dfu_nrf52832_xxAA_s132_6.1.0.hex

4. nrfjprog --program tools/dfu/bin/device_page_nrf52832_xxAA_s132_6.1.0.hex

5. nrfjprog --reset

6. nrfutil -v -v dfu serial -pkg -p COM3 -b 115200 shows all OK

Debug terminal of dfu_nrf52832_xxAA_s132_6.1.0 shows:

<t: 2>, main.c, 206, ----- Bluetooth Mesh DFU Example -----
<t: 15302>, serial_handler_prov.c, 267, Generating encryption keypair...
<t: 20178>, main.c, 224, Initialization complete!
<t: 24942>, main.c, 245, Enabling serial interface...
<t: 24945>, mesh_app_utils.c, 65, Device UUID (raw): 081EE44E23C45F4A8CFBBFECE4A4A1AD
<t: 24948>, mesh_app_utils.c, 70, Device UUID : 4EE41E08-C423-4A5F-8CFB-BFECE4A4A1AD
<t: 24956>, nrf_mesh_dfu.c, 528, RADIO TX! SLOT 0, count 255, interval: periodic, handle: FFFE
<t: 24961>, nrf_mesh_dfu.c, 561, SERIAL TX!
<t: 24967>, main.c, 253, DFU example started!
<t: 473222>, serial.c, 129, No handler for 0xC0
<t: 672584>, serial.c, 129, No handler for 0xC0

nfrutil version 5.2.0

SDK 15.2.0

Thank you for your attantion! 
