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Receive external data through UART on Thingy:91


For my project I need to receive 9 bytes of data from our main board. This data gets send using UART. 

By looking at the pin diagram I could not find specific pins on the Thingy:91 to use as UART RX and TX.

So my question, are there any GPIO pins capable of handling an UART connection?

And if yes, which are they and last but not least how the code would look like. Slight smile



Parents Reply
  • The headers you have marked there are headers P6 and P7. They can be found on page 6 of the hardware pdf.

    As for how to integrate with the Thingy:91, I will leave that question for Nordic as I don't honestly know how you would interface with it. I don't see any points for that.

    I was just answering your original question you had on UART Pins and the code for enabling them Sweat smile
