Hi All,
I'm doing some investigative around existing mesh models.
In the Mesh Model Bluetooth Specification, Section 7.1, we have a specification, for example:
Generic OnOff Model
Generic OnOff Set: 0x82 0x02
However, there is no specification for the parameters of this opcode.
So with only this information, I theoretically cannot yet turn off devices that support an OnOff Server Model.
In the nrf5 SDK code (generic_onoff_set_msg_pkt_t), I can see that the parameters are packed as follows:
Byte 1: on_off
Byte 2: tid
Byte 3: transistion_time
Byte 4: delay
With this information, I can now format valid bluetooth packets to turn things on and off!
So my questions are as follows:
1. Is this structure supposed to be universal across all Generic OnOff models?
2. Is there a document defining this?
3. Is there a document defining the parameter structure for all generic opcodes?
As a more concrete example, if I were interested in the sensor model:
Sensor Setup Model
Sensor Setting Set 0x59
4. What is the parameter structure expected for this opcode?