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beaconing example for nrf52840 stopped by vector

Dear Sir,

I am using Example beaconing_nrf52840_xxAA_s140_6_1_0 in nrf5 SDK for Mesh_v3.0.0 get stopped after running for sort period. I have tried to debug but could not find any solution. I am using MINEW make MS88SF2 module. I am also attaching pictures for the problem. Kindly suggest remedial solution.

Parents Reply
  • Thanks again I have added all required code files and uart module and program. More over there is also same problem with original beaconning example in nrf5 SDK for Mesh from v2.0.1 to v3.2.0. Program run for some time and get halted on nrf52840 but original program run without any problem on nrf52832. But if I add uart routine on beaconning example for nrf52832 and check on RTT Viewer after running program APP_UART_COMMUNICATION_ERROR is observed immediately after power on. 
