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Connect on 3 or more peripherals


We are using the nrf connect Android app in order to scan and connect to ble peripherals.

The scan procedure is executed perfectly as we can identify and connect to all ble peripherals, one by one.

Also, we can still connect to a second one but the problem occurs when we are trying to have three active connections (peripherals) simioutanesly.

The application is trying to connect but after a while it fails. Despite that, the peripheral indicates (led off) that it have be connected to a central device (also we know that because last central's mac address is stored in EEPROM).

It seems to us, that the nrf connect app (or the Android version) is not able to handle more than 2 peripherals simioutanesly, despite the fact that the protocol claims that a central device can handle up to 7 peripherals simioutanesly.

Can you help us on this?

Thank you in advance,


Parents Reply
  • Many thanks for your prompt reply.

    I shouldn't mention that "a central device can handle up to 7 peripherals simioutanesly" because i am not able to give a reference on that. Despite that, i used a different smartphone and it works. The only difference between the devices on device information menu is that the second smartphone has "Multiple advertisement supported" as YES, but i dont believe that it is the issue as this option refers to peripherals.
