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Dependability competition based on nRF52840

The International Conference on Embedded Wireless Systems and Networks will host also this year a dependability competition to benchmark the performance of state-of-the-art low-power wireless protocols under the same settings and in harsh RF environments.

This year's competition will make use of nRF52840-DK wireless nodes. The competition scenario will emulate the operation of a wireless sensor network where several co-existing devices are crowding the RF spectrum. In particular, the messages generated by several source nodes need to be collected at a single destination in a reliable, timely, and energy-efficient way despite the presence of interference. Two categories are planned for this year's edition:

1) Single-hop data collection. In this category, up to 20 source nodes generate raw sensor values of different length, which should be sent to the same destination. The latter is located in proximity of all source nodes and can be reached directly, i.e., in normal conditions, the sink can be reached by every source node within a single hop.

2) Multi-hop data collection. In this category, up to 60 source nodes generate raw sensor values of different length, which should be sent to the same destination. The latter may be located several hops away from a source node, even when making use of the coded PHY layers available on the nRF52840-DK.

The competition will take place remotely and the final results will be announced during EWSN 2020 in Lyon.

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