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nRF5 SDK and nRF51 series confusion


I have an nRF51822 chip and I'm trying to figure out how the whole nRF5 sdk works. 

I am using the Segger Embedded Studio. 

I downloaded the last nRF5 SDK v15.3.0 but I saw there's no support for nRF51 series at all.

Luckily I found some related source code files in version 12.3.0 

My question is: Why isn't the source code of nRF51 series in the last version of nRF5 SDK? I have used many SDKs in the past from many silicon manufacturers and every old source code existed in their last version but I surprisingly saw that this feature is missing here.

I looked everything on the but I can't seem to find anything related to nRF51 series except for what I found on the older version of the main nRF5 SDK.

Am I doing something wrong here?

Thank you!

- George

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