I am building a project that is based on the custom service example https://github.com/bjornspockeli/custom_ble_service_example but I don't like how it advertises in a way that only leaves 4 characters for my device name.
I grafted on the advertising method from ble_app_blinky
as an alternate advertising function in my app (so I can go back and forth), and I get the full device name to show up in nRFConnect. It doesn't work 100% yet--it won't launch into advertising again after a disconnect--but other than that think I like the result better. Can someone help me understand why the blinky method leaves more space for the name, and what I am giving up by doing it that way?
Here's my "alt" advertising functions:
static uint8_t m_adv_handle = BLE_GAP_ADV_SET_HANDLE_NOT_SET; /**< Advertising handle used to identify an advertising set. */
static uint8_t m_enc_advdata[BLE_GAP_ADV_SET_DATA_SIZE_MAX]; /**< Buffer for storing an encoded advertising set. */
static uint8_t m_enc_scan_response_data[BLE_GAP_ADV_SET_DATA_SIZE_MAX]; /**< Buffer for storing an encoded scan data. */
/**@brief Struct that contains pointers to the encoded advertising data. */
static ble_gap_adv_data_t m_adv_data =
.adv_data =
.p_data = m_enc_advdata,
.scan_rsp_data =
.p_data = m_enc_scan_response_data,
static void advertising_init_alt(void)
ret_code_t err_code;
ble_advdata_t advdata;
ble_advdata_t srdata;
ble_uuid_t adv_uuids[] = {{CUSTOM_SERVICE_UUID, m_cus.uuid_type}};
// Build and set advertising data.
memset(&advdata, 0, sizeof(advdata));
advdata.name_type = BLE_ADVDATA_FULL_NAME;
advdata.include_appearance = true;
memset(&srdata, 0, sizeof(srdata));
srdata.uuids_complete.uuid_cnt = sizeof(adv_uuids) / sizeof(adv_uuids[0]);
srdata.uuids_complete.p_uuids = adv_uuids;
err_code = ble_advdata_encode(&advdata, m_adv_data.adv_data.p_data, &m_adv_data.adv_data.len);
err_code = ble_advdata_encode(&srdata, m_adv_data.scan_rsp_data.p_data, &m_adv_data.scan_rsp_data.len);
ble_gap_adv_params_t adv_params;
// Set advertising parameters.
memset(&adv_params, 0, sizeof(adv_params));
adv_params.primary_phy = BLE_GAP_PHY_1MBPS;
adv_params.duration = APP_ADV_DURATION;
adv_params.p_peer_addr = NULL;
adv_params.filter_policy = BLE_GAP_ADV_FP_ANY;
adv_params.interval = APP_ADV_INTERVAL;
err_code = sd_ble_gap_adv_set_configure(&m_adv_handle, &m_adv_data, &adv_params);
static void advertising_start_alt(bool erase_bonds)
ret_code_t err_code;
if (erase_bonds == true)
// Advertising is started by PM_EVT_PEERS_DELETED_SUCEEDED event
err_code = sd_ble_gap_adv_start(m_adv_handle, APP_BLE_CONN_CFG_TAG);