I'm developing a nRF52 custom board.
I use a Crypto chip, and I have to calculate and store the count value between the Rising Edges.
How should I do it?
Please reply.
I'm developing a nRF52 custom board.
I use a Crypto chip, and I have to calculate and store the count value between the Rising Edges.
How should I do it?
Please reply.
Using GPIOTE, can I set two pins to detect the Rising edge and start and end with PPI?
After checking the code you attached, is it correct to check the Rising edge to Rising edge count with timer_handler_read?
For every transition from low to high, the counter is incremented, and can be read in timer_handler_read().
You might however need to change the argument in GPIOTE_CONFIG_IN_SENSE_LOTOHI() from false to true.
nrf_drv_gpiote_in_config_t in_config = GPIOTE_CONFIG_IN_SENSE_LOTOHI(true);
There are a lot of things I don't know.
Thank you for helping me. I'll test the part you've mentioned after I've corrected it.
Handler does not work after timers_init.
timer_cfg.mode = NRF_TIMER_MODE_TIMER
Is it correct to use these two functions together?
Is it correct to use these two functions together?
No, not for the same timer instance.
I made some adjustment to the example, e.g. added Segger RTT logging. It will count the number of low to high pulses for the duration of 10sec(COUNT_READ_INTERVAL), print the number, then it will restart counting from 0. I tested this with SDK 15.3:
Attachment: gpiote_timer_ppi.zip
Is it correct to use these two functions together?
No, not for the same timer instance.
I made some adjustment to the example, e.g. added Segger RTT logging. It will count the number of low to high pulses for the duration of 10sec(COUNT_READ_INTERVAL), print the number, then it will restart counting from 0. I tested this with SDK 15.3:
Attachment: gpiote_timer_ppi.zip