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Suggestions audio processing (Input ADC, buffer, DSP, output PWM)

Hello everyone, I am trying to implement audio processings algorithms with my nrf52DK.

What i need to do in order : 
1- Sample my audio signal ( It will be guitar sound ,so fmax= 1200 Hz , let's say fs=2400Hz  )
2- Push my sampe into a FIFO
3- Start my algorithm with data inside FIFO ( Low pass, high pass, phaser etc..)
4- Change the duty cycle of my pwm 
5- Go back to 1

Im starting with the SDK, i see many differents ways to use ADC and PWM (SAADC from what i saw in documentations).

So i wouldike to know if you have any suggestion on :

  1. What's the best way to configure my ADC to 2.4Khz ?
  2. I see in SADC example that a ADC buffer aldready exist, but i wonder how it work. When the SAADC interrupt, is it when the SAADC sample a single value or a n=buffer_size value ?
  3. I see in pwm examples that it work with sequences, but i do not want a sequence to be played, i just wouldlike to ouptut a pwm signal with a duty cycle proportionnal to my values. Should i use a sequence of 1 value and then change the value ?

How can i make my pwm and SAADC synchronized, i mean doing the five steps above in order (in SAADC interrupt) ?

Thanks a lot, any help is welcomed :) 

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