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NRF91 Setup - SES setup Instructions not complete - Cmake

I am trying to setup a VM (Ubuntu 19.04) that has the complete setup for NRF91 development.  I have been following the instructions in the nrfConnect 3.2.0 - getting Started assistant.

In step one, there are instructions to get cmake version 3.13.1

mkdir -p ${HOME}/cmake && cd ${HOME}/cmake
yes | sh | cat
echo "export PATH=${PWD}/cmake-3.13.1-Linux-x86_64/bin:${PATH}" >> ${HOME}/.zephyrrc
cmake --version

The instruction leave out the following configuration in SES:

A project import fails unless you point to the new version of cmake

Parents Reply
  • No, SES was not running.   Most distros do not have the version of cmake installed to successfully build the firmware  I followed the instructions in the getting started assistant to download the version of Cmake.    The script provided puts in in the users home directory and does not give instruction to point SES to the correct version.       Some extra sentences in the getting started assistant would help as there are a lot of dependencies that need met to get SES working.

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