I am unable to figure out what causes the problem that IRQ handler is defined both in nrfx_uart and nrfx_uarte modules.
After investigating in a test project I have found that it seems to be best to include all uart modules. nrf_drvuart.c, nrfx_uart.c, nrfx_uarte.c and nrf_serial.c in the project. For sdk_config it seems to be best to enable nrf_drv_uart, nrfx_uarte and nrf_serial. In test project I can skip enabling nrfx_uart and is able to link.
I am trying to use nrf_serial.
But in my real project the best combination of sdk_config still causes problem with:
Symbol UARTE0_UART0_IRQHandler multiply defined (by nrfx_uarte.o and nrfx_uart.o).
I cannot determine why.
Anyone got a clue?