Hi to all,
I'm new with the nRF52 DK developpement board and I use Zerynth ( Python ) for developping a simple application for a product who are still existing. ( MOKO M1 BEACON https://www.mokosmart.com/fr/mokosmart-r9-beacon-ultra-thin-electronic-tags-supporting-ibeacon/).
On their electronic schematique they use the AIN0 - P0.02 pin as the battery analog In pin ! So how to use this pin on the nRF52DK board as it's referenced "AREF" ! because P0.02 is not referenced on the P2 connector.
Also in the nRF52 library for Zerynth python there is only A0 to A5 ADC accessible pin !
What's the solution of this problem ?
Thank in advance for reply
Best regards, Jiemde