When I run "AT+COPS=?" WITHOUT a SIM the modem always responds properly.
When I run "AT+COPS=?" WITH a SIM the modem does not respond as expected. I get error after approx a minute. I lock to one band to narrow down the scan. I use the following procedure:
1) Cold start the modem
2) AT%XBANDLOCK=2,"10000000000000000000" (lock to band 20)
3) AT+CFUN=1 (enter normal mode)
4) AT+COPS=? => ERROR after a minute
If I repeat step 4 the modem often starts responding after three attempts. If I change operator manually it also starts responding. The conclusion is that the command is instable!
I use the following software versions:
Modem: mfw_nrf9160_1.0.1
Firmware in app MCU: thingy91_at_client_v0.2.3
LTE Link Monitor: v1.1.1
Tested on Thingy91