I am not able to program my custom nrf52 board (ble_uart program) using JTAG. It is throwing some error
I am not able to program my custom nrf52 board (ble_uart program) using JTAG. It is throwing some error
Is this related to ticket #238142? The program is entering the fault handler because of a code assertion in your UART callback. I.e., an error code has been passed to one of the error check macros inside the uart callback.
Yes i am trying to upload the application to my Custom board via UART without DFU Mode
Ok, please don't make duplicate support tickets. Anyway, the error, in this case, is probably caused by an UART Error condition. Try to remove the error check shown below to confirm.
case APP_UART_COMMUNICATION_ERROR: //APP_ERROR_HANDLER(p_event->data.error_communication); <-- remove this line to ignore UART communication errors break
Ok, please don't make duplicate support tickets. Anyway, the error, in this case, is probably caused by an UART Error condition. Try to remove the error check shown below to confirm.
case APP_UART_COMMUNICATION_ERROR: //APP_ERROR_HANDLER(p_event->data.error_communication); <-- remove this line to ignore UART communication errors break
I have two nRFChips on my board, one chip runs without any error. The other chip throws this error.Can i Upload my schematics? We can make this as Private ticket
yes this is working