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NRF_LOG_INFO puzzle in proximity_coexist

I'm running the ble_app_proximity_coexist example on PCA10040 with SDK15.3.

In mesh_main.c, there are calls to NRF_LOG_INFO sprinkled around various places.  Some of these calls produce output in the SES Debug Terminal window, others do not.  For example,
    NRF_LOG_INFO("Device UUID"); line 310, this never appears in the debug terminal window
    NRF_LOG_INFO("Initializing and adding models\n"); line 259, this output always appears in the debug terminal window.
A further puzzlement is that none of the NRF_LOG_INFO calls from main.c produce any output.

I'm using the example as distributed by Nordic, unchanged in any way.  Can someone explain this behavior and what to do to get main.c NRF_LOG_INFO calls to work?


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  • Thanks for trying, but that doesn't seem to be the problem. 

    I've found that having both UART and RTT backend enabled in sdk_config.h works just fine.  I'm seeing the NRF_LOG_INFO output in both the JLink RTT Viewer and the serial port (COM24).
    Enabling only the RTT backend results in output to the JLink RTT Viewer window only - no surprise there.

    The issue I'm having is that some of the debug output is missing from the SES Debug Terminal window.  The debug terminal window seems to have extra line feeds where the output would otherwise appear.  I've searched through SES options and not found anything that changes the situation.  I've also tried increasing the NRF_LOG_BACKEND_RTT_TEMP_BUFFER_SIZE from 64 to 256 to no effect.

    I notice that some mesh modules use __LOG instead of NRF_LOG.  The __LOG output seems to be appearing in the Debug Terminal window just fine.

    I understand this is not a critical problem, but it is annoying in that it makes development more inefficient.


