Based on nRF5_SDK_15.3.0_59ac345 at nRF52810
>nrfutil settings generate --family NRF52810 --application app.hex --application-version 0x01 --bootloader-version 0x01 --bl-settings-version 0x01 settings.hex Note: Generating a DFU settings page with backup page included. This is only required for bootloaders from nRF5 SDK 15.1 and newer. If you want to skip backup page generation, use --no-backup option. Generated Bootloader DFU settings .hex file and stored it in: settings.hex Bootloader DFU Settings: * File: settings.hex * Family: NRF52810 * Start Address: 0x0002F000 * CRC: 0xB93557C8 * Settings Version: 0x00000001 (1) * App Version: 0x00000001 (1) * Bootloader Version: 0x00000001 (1) * Bank Layout: 0x00000000 * Current Bank: 0x00000000 * Application Size: 0x0000A1D0 (41424 bytes) * Application CRC: 0xBEFCF277 * Bank0 Bank Code: 0x00000001 * Softdevice Size: 0x00000000 (0 bytes) * Boot Validation CRC: 0x00000000 * SD Boot Validation Type: 0x00000000 (0) * App Boot Validation Type: 0x00000000 (0)
>mergehex.exe -m s112_nrf52_6.1.1_softdevice.hex app.hex -o sd_and_app.hex Parsing input hex files. Merging files. Storing merged file. >mergehex.exe -m sd_and_app.hex bl.hex -o sd_and_app_and_bl.hex Parsing input hex files. Merging files. Storing merged file. >mergehex.exe -m sd_and_app_and_bl.hex settings.hex -o all.hex Parsing input hex files. Merging files. Storing merged file.
Bootloader = examples\dfu\secure_bootloader\pca10040e_ble\
Program Size: Code=36132 RO-data=5176 RW-data=496 ZI-data=7224
After program all.hex to device, nRFGo Studio cann't see the bootloader area