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Send GPS Coordinates via SMS using nRF9160dk


I am working on nRF9160dk. I want to send gps coordinates via sms using nRF9160dk. Last week, I tried simple_at program to send sms and it worked. Now I am working on gps program. So my question is how I can send gps coordinates via sms. Is there any program available to do so?

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  • Hi,

    I interfaced GNSS click 3 with nRF52840. I am getting gps coordinates. Now I have to send latitude and longitude values over SMS. But AT+CMGS command can just send given message as I have to enter hex value while entering the command. So what is the solution for this? Can I send live gps coordinates or not by using AT+CMGS command? Or should I use some other board to send sms?


  • Hi,


    Jagruti said:
    I interfaced GNSS click 3 with nRF52840. I am getting gps coordinates. Now I have to send latitude and longitude values over SMS. But AT+CMGS command can just send given message as I have to enter hex value while entering the command. So what is the solution for this? Can I send live gps coordinates or not by using AT+CMGS command? Or should I use some other board to send sms?

    I am not sure I understand what you're trying to do here? Are you not able to successfully send SMS anymore?

    The GPS data has to be sampled, then you format this into the SMS format that you use. 

    Kind regards,


  • Hello,

    I will explain you my project and then ask my doubt.

    I have interfaced GNSS 3 click module with nRF52840 to get gps coodinates. Now I want to send these gps coordinates to my mobile phone via SMS. So for that purpose I am using nRF9160dk as it is having SIM card slot. So first I used simple_at program to send AT commands and I was successful to send SMS from nRF9160 to my mobile phone by using AT+CMGS command. 

    I used this pdu converter to get the hex value needed for AT+CMGS command:

    The simple_at program has hardcoded AT commands.So I cannot send live gps coordinates because I have to put hex value each time. 

    So is there any program available where I can modify AT+CMGS command or how I can do that?

    Or should I interface other gsm module to nRF52840 to send the sms? In that case which gsm module is best to interface with nRF52840? I was thinking to use Sim808 or Sim900. Can I interface these modules with nRF52840 for sending live gps data via SMS?


  • Jagruti said:
    The simple_at program has hardcoded AT commands.So I cannot send live gps coordinates because I have to put hex value each time. 

    You program the device in C, so it is technically possible to create a sms pdu function. I would recommend that you google "sms pdu in c" and see if you can find an implementation.


    Kind regards,

