Using a multimeter and a Thingy:91 I've measured the current to
- The nrf9160 (
- The nrf52840
- The total (measured between battery and board)
- SIM-card: iBasis
- Firmware on the nrf52840 is the one from the Thingy homepage.
- Firmware on the nrf9160 is an app that goes into a long k_sleep's for 60s, then registers GPIO 26 with a edge-triggered ISR then k_sleep again (UART disbled and modem not initiated)
The nrf52840 only draws a very few uA - great!
The nrf9160 draws 35uA at first, but when GPIO gets registered it draws 115uA (GPIO triggering adds 80uA - a big percentage increase)
Question: Is there anything that can be done to lower power consumption when waiting for external input (the signal I'm waiting for is high for around 2 seconds).
Total consumption to Thingy:91 is 200uA first and 280uA when GPIO is registered.
Question: What is taking the 165 uA (200-35) ? SIM-card, MCU or some sensor that is enabled by default?
An observation: Starting the board without the nrf52840 increases the total power draw to around 400uA - IMHO indicating it disables some electronic components or performs some magic
Question: Is it possible to disable (preferrably via FW) everything except the nrf9160 and SIM?