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nrf51 file transfer

Can nrf51 dk perform file transfer via Bluetooth? Is there an example and an iOS app for it?

  • Hi John,

    Currently no file transfer example available. However we have DFU (Device Firmware Update) example, where we transfer hex/binary file to the nRF51 and use that file to update the firmware on the nRF51. You can have a look at the nRF Toolbox app.

    Besides , we have the nRFUart app where we tranfer UART data from phone to nRF51 and vice versa. You can modify that app to send your own data, a file content for example.

  • Hi Hung, I currently have nrf8001 and nrf51 dk. I don't think nrf8001 supports OTA DFU and also nrf51 dk doesn't work with Arduino since my project is based on it. Using nrf8001, I tried sending a file content through BLE UART but the buffer size is just 20 bytes so it limits the speed of transfer.

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