Can nrf51 dk perform file transfer via Bluetooth? Is there an example and an iOS app for it?
Can nrf51 dk perform file transfer via Bluetooth? Is there an example and an iOS app for it?
Hi John,
Currently no file transfer example available. However we have DFU (Device Firmware Update) example, where we transfer hex/binary file to the nRF51 and use that file to update the firmware on the nRF51. You can have a look at the nRF Toolbox app.
Besides , we have the nRFUart app where we tranfer UART data from phone to nRF51 and vice versa. You can modify that app to send your own data, a file content for example.
The ble-optiboot project for nRF8001 supports the application mcu bootloading for ATmega328p over BTLE.
The ble-optiboot project for nRF8001 supports the application mcu bootloading for ATmega328p over BTLE.