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Dual Bootloader -- DFU (BLE) + UART?

Wondering if there are any example/reference implementations of a bootloader for the nRF51822 that support Device Firmware Update over both UART and BLE? We've got the BLE stuff working well, but would like to make sure that we've got UART for those that might not have a compatible BLE SmartPhone.


  • Hi Tim,

    We provided both solutions, UART and BLE. However, they are separated project and are not made to work together initially.

    You may have to modify the source code to allow end customer to choose which type of transportation they want to use, switching a button for example.

    There would be some work needed to combine the 2 projects, but I don't think it would be very difficult.

  • @Sourabh: You may need to make sure the memory buffer (hci_mem_pool) was configured correctly for each transport mode. They both have the file hci_mem_pool_internal.h inside ble_transport and hci_transport but the values configured inside are different.

    If you configured them correctly but still have the problem, you may want to capture a sniffer trace to check what exactly fail.

  • @Sourabh: You may need to make sure the memory buffer (hci_mem_pool) was configured correctly for each transport mode. They both have the file hci_mem_pool_internal.h inside ble_transport and hci_transport but the values configured inside are different.

    If you configured them correctly but still have the problem, you may want to capture a sniffer trace to check what exactly fail.

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