Q: How can I play with making firmware for nRF5340 before it is supported in nRF Connect SDK?
Q: How can I play with making firmware for nRF5340 before it is supported in nRF Connect SDK?
When using SDK5 From 52840 change to 52833 ,There are some errors,as below:
1.Output/Release/Exe/ble_app_hids_mouse_pca10056_s140.elf section `.init' will not fit in region `UNPLACED_SECTIONS'
2.region `UNPLACED_SECTIONS' overflowed by 56182 bytes
and more .............
When using SDK5 From 52840 change to 52833 ,There are some errors,as below:
1.Output/Release/Exe/ble_app_hids_mouse_pca10056_s140.elf section `.init' will not fit in region `UNPLACED_SECTIONS'
2.region `UNPLACED_SECTIONS' overflowed by 56182 bytes
and more .............
Hi. This question is not related to the original topic in this thread. Please create a new question.