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Real-time data acquisition up to 30 sensors - is it possible with nRF?


I have 18-bit sensors with SPI and I2C, which I intend to use in a wireless array.

I need to choose equipment and topology (star, scanning mode?), enabling data acquisition from max. 30 sensors and sending to a selected mobile device (tablet) via USB with the shortest possible delay (10 ... 20 ms).

For example: is nRF24LE1 and nRF24LU1 sufficient to solve the problem?

Thanks for any suggestions!

  • 30 wireless links with a maximum latency of 20ms is going to be difficult with a 1/2mbps radio. You will have to design your own radio protocol.

    You will most likely require 2 receivers with the nRF24 series, depending on whether you need automatic retransmissions or not. With room for one retransmission per packet you will require ~700µs per data transfer per device, at 1mbps. For 30 devices that's ~700µs * 30 = 21ms, just for the wireless transfer. If you use 2mbps you can cut that down a bit, but there is a fair bit of overhead in switching radio states. With 2mbps and no retransmissions, you can get maybe ~300µs x 30 = ~9ms of radio time to deliver one a set of data from each device. 

    The nRF24 series is not suited for new products, the radio is 15 years old and we have no real support for that device. 

    I'd much rather recommend the nRF52833 as it is our most cost-optimized device with a USB and a modern 2mbps radio. The time it takes to switch states in the 52 is much lower than the nRF24, it has far greater range, lower current consumption, better ease of use, and actual support. 

    For the radio protocol, I propose that you have the "receiver" send out a beacon packet and have the sensor "transmitters" synchronize their transmissions to this packet so that they do not collide on-air (TDMA), for each set of data. You will also have to decide whether to implement frequency hopping or not, and how many retransmissions you require. 

  • Thank you for your answer.

    By design, the sensor array will be battery powered (low power consumption) and will operate over a very short distance (several meters). It will also be light and small. First I was thinking about the nRF24LE solution with power limitation to -18dBm (power management). If I understood correctly - the new nRF52 would in this case replace only the outdated nrF24LU, while cheap nRF24LE could remain, working directly with sensors via SPI (sensors nodes)? Thanks!

  • Yeah, that can be possible, you do not need USB for the sensors. But again, we do not have much support, if any for the nRF24 anymore. I suggest you look for pricing for the nRF52810 as that is the most cost-optimized BLE SoC in the nRF52 family. With regards to pricing, you'll have to leverage the unit cost at your volume vs the development cost, and the development cost for the nRF52 series is quite a bit lower. You're also left with a far more future-proof application.

    The nRF52 has 10dB lower receiver sensitivity than the nRF24, which means that you can lower the output power of the nRF52 transmitters by 10dB compared to nRF24, and still have the same range. And the current consumption of the nRF52's radio is far lower than the nRF24. 

  • Thanks again.

    I assume that the implementation of the topic with such a number of sensors may not be easy for a beginner, but before buying and starting any work - I would like (if possible) to be sure that the selected equipment will meet the assumptions. I will probably ask many more questions ...;)

  • I have to reiterate that I do not recommend the nRF24 series, If I were in your shoes I would not start a new project with the nRF24 series. 

    Your use-case is feasible, but it will require a fair amount of work, especially if you're new to embedded stuff. 

  • What else will I need when deciding on nRF52810 (USB programmer, utility program or ready libraries)? Which module would be best to work with nRF52 series and PC via USB (nRF52840 Dongle)? Are there examples of configuring such communication with sensors via SPI and where can I find them? Greetings.

  • You'll need at least two proper DK's for debugging and programming. The 810 use the PCA10040 DK and the 840 uses the PCA10056 DK

    Developing on the PCA10040 and PCA10056 is almost identical. I suggest you start with two DK's and try to set up radio communications and sensor sampling before you get more DK's or dongles. 

    The DK's have an on-board J-link debugger, but the dongle does not. You can program and debug external boards with the DK's however. 

    I suggest you read our nRF5 Getting Started guide. 

    We provide a free license for Segger Embedded Studio when developing for our nRF5 series devices. 

    You should also read the Enhanced ShockBurst User Guide and read it's source code for implementation details on how to use the radio. You can also use the Radio Receiver Example and Radio Transmitter Example as a base. 

    You can stream UART or Segger RTT data though the on-board J-link and to a PC if you need application <-> PC communication like logs or CLI. This is set up by default in our examples with our Logger module, or Command Line Interface library

  • You'll need at least two proper DK's for debugging and programming. The 810 use the PCA10040 DK and the 840 uses the PCA10056 DK

    Developing on the PCA10040 and PCA10056 is almost identical. I suggest you start with two DK's and try to set up radio communications and sensor sampling before you get more DK's or dongles. 

    The DK's have an on-board J-link debugger, but the dongle does not. You can program and debug external boards with the DK's however. 

    I suggest you read our nRF5 Getting Started guide. 

    We provide a free license for Segger Embedded Studio when developing for our nRF5 series devices. 

    You should also read the Enhanced ShockBurst User Guide and read it's source code for implementation details on how to use the radio. You can also use the Radio Receiver Example and Radio Transmitter Example as a base. 

    You can stream UART or Segger RTT data though the on-board J-link and to a PC if you need application <-> PC communication like logs or CLI. This is set up by default in our examples with our Logger module, or Command Line Interface library

  • The dynamics of the process requires that the measurement results from each of the 30 sensors are read at a frequency of 200 Hz (per channel, 18 bits) and presented in graphic form on the screen of the mobile device (tablet) with the lowest possible latency. I would like to be sure that with such assumptions nRF52... will be appropriate due to sampling frequency limitations etc. At what minimum distance from each other can nRF52... operate, assuming a 2MHz channel spacing? Are they not disturbing each other over a distance of about 2cm and limiting the transmission power to a minimum (-20dBm)?


  • We've got data on our receivers RX selectivity that shows how much attenuation a signal in another channel has with respect to our receiver.

    If you transmit at the nearest channels while you are in receive mode there's a good chance that you'll receive it unless you do one or more of the following; reduce the transmit power, move transmissions to channels further away, or do time-division multiplexing of your transmissions. 

    You should only limit the power if you want to reduce power consumption anyways, otherwise, you should choose one of the other options. With 40 channels to choose from you can easily get more than -50dB attenuation between networks. 

    You can get shorter latency overall by using more receivers but at a cost of higher complexity. With 4 receivers you can use ESB pretty much out of the box, but you'll have to use channels that are as far apart as possible, and there's no channel hopping feature. 

  • Does giving each of the 30 sensors (nRF52810) a unique address and star topology with one receiver (nRF52840) have a chance to work properly and meet the project assumptions, or would a different connection (topology) be more appropriate? I want maximum simplification.

  • A unique address for each device is not a problem unless you use ESB, who only supports 8 slaves per master. 

    If you want more slaves per master you will need to create your own radio protocol based on the receiver/transmitter examples.

    If you look at my original reply you'll see that it is possible, but again, it will take you a fair bit of time to create such a protocol.

  • So the next question is: what is the difficulty in creating such a protocol and why is it so time consuming? It is not just a matter of duplicating the instructions for each addressed sensor (nodes)? What dependencies (synchronization) do I need to consider?
