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Scanning module support for Coded PHY/Extended Advertisements

Does the nRF5 SDK Scanning module support scanning extended advertising packets? For example to discover a Peripheral advertising using the Coded PHY?

When I try this, I get the following error:

ble_scan: sd_ble_gap_scan_start returned 0x9
app: ERROR 9 [NRF_ERROR_INVALID_LENGTH] at main.c:177
PC at: 0x0002D295

After looking through at the scan data structure, I see that scan_buffer_data has a length of NRF_BLE_SCAN_BUFFER which is equal to 31. Does that mean it cannot handle extended advertising packets since their size can be up to 255 bytes?

This is my code for scan_init():

// Scan parameters requested for scanning and connection.
static ble_gap_scan_params_t const m_scan_params =
    .extended      = 1,
    .active        = 0x00,
    .interval      = SCAN_INTERVAL,
    .window        = SCAN_WINDOW,
    .timeout       = 0x0000, // No timeout.
    .scan_phys     = BLE_GAP_PHY_CODED,
    .filter_policy = BLE_GAP_SCAN_FP_ACCEPT_ALL,

static char const m_target_periph_name[] = "Nordic_Blinky_Coded";     /**< Name of the device we try to connect to. This name is searched in the scan report data*/

static void scan_init(void)
    ret_code_t          err_code;
    nrf_ble_scan_init_t init_scan;

    memset(&init_scan, 0, sizeof(init_scan));

    init_scan.connect_if_match = true;
    init_scan.conn_cfg_tag     = APP_BLE_CONN_CFG_TAG;

    init_scan.p_scan_param = &m_scan_params;

    err_code = nrf_ble_scan_init(&m_scan, &init_scan, scan_evt_handler);

    // Setting filters for scanning.
    err_code = nrf_ble_scan_filters_enable(&m_scan, NRF_BLE_SCAN_NAME_FILTER, false);

    err_code = nrf_ble_scan_filter_set(&m_scan, SCAN_NAME_FILTER, m_target_periph_name);

My goal is to discover a Peripheral that is using Coded PHY for advertising and connect to it whenver the device is discovered by the Central (via its advertised name).