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Regarding nRF52 SDK Segger Embedded Studio based firmware development for Nordic Thingy 51


We made an online course on Bluetooth Low Energy, includes BLE Fundamentals & Architecture, step by step implementation of Environment Sensing service development starts from advertising, simple GATT connection, adding BLE standard profile, adding characteristics, read and notify properties, reading data from DHT11 and update data on every 5 seconds, and also includes notification.

If any one interested, please use Promotion code: NEEVEEBLE

After this, We are in the process of developing an open source BLE firmware for Thingy52 based on nRF52SDK using Segger Embedded Studio instead of GCC.

Please share whether any BLE application exists for Thingy52 based on Segger Embedded Studio, also any efforts already going on Nordic Thingy52 platform.


