I'm developing an interface I2C to one sensor including SCL, SDA and open-drain return to know if
the sensor is ready to work. After Reset by "Build and Run" form Segger (SDK 16) the TWIM works
very well. But after any read form GPIO input (state of sensor) the TWIM is out service and only new
Download remains TWIM working. I've tried: nrf_gpio_pin_input_get, nrf_gpi_input_read. This Input
was reconfigured as follow: nrf_gpio_cfg(I2C_SDA2,NRF_GPIO_PIN_DIR_INPUT,NRF_GPIO_PIN_INPUT_CONNECT,
with same bad reaction. Is it possible that only one GPIO's read is able to block TWIM?????. I've tried : On/off of TWIM, new initialization, On/off of sensor
any way I need always to Re-Download nrf52840 to work with I2C. I'm using nrf52840 development board as Jtag interface to my board.