I'm having trouble using an external j-link probe (J-Link plus compact) with the nRF52840-DK with Segger Embedded Studio. I am powering the DK from USB (Sw9 VDD) ,using the 10 pin P18 connector on the DK to connect to the J-link plus(20 pin).When I try to "Connect J-Link" in SES it pops with an error saying: "Failed to connect to target. No idcode detected. Please check connection and Target Interface Type". Here is my pin out.
P18_DK J-link plus side
Pin1 ßà Pin19(VDD)
Pin2 ßà Pin7 (SWDIO)
Pin4 ßà Pin9 (SWDCLK)
Pin6 ßà Pin13(SWO)
Pin10 ßà Pin15 (RESET)
Pin3,5,9 ßà (GND)
I have tried cutting SB60 and shorting SB59 but it did not fix my problem. The on board J-link works fine.