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How to handle flashwrit in an safe way.


i need to store data in my Flash, for that i use the flashwrite example. Am i right taht i can use the remain of my application flash? So all flash = 256 kB - App = 20 kB = Flash i can use to write my Data to ?

I read that if i use flashwrite and the Softdevie, that i have to halt the Softdevie becauose of the latncy of flahswriting is that right? How can i handle this in a safe way?

Best reagrds Nils

  • Hi,

    in the moment it is not possible for me to write an application which writes data to the Flash in a savety way. The best thing would be an example how to programm Log-File-Data to the memory. Maybe this will not be possible to get this example so i have to write it be my self, but for that i need to understand what i have to to to write in a savety way to the Flash.

    Do i understand this correctly,in the example of SDK tha Data will be written on the Last Page every Time again and again ? And after the Page is full it begins at the start adress again? But this is not the way i want to use it, i need to write as much as possible into the Flash, not only to one Page.

    Please Nordic give me Some more support, i really try to understand but its hard for me, more examples would be great,

    Thank you and best regards nils

  • Hi,

    in the moment it is not possible for me to write an application which writes data to the Flash in a savety way. The best thing would be an example how to programm Log-File-Data to the memory. Maybe this will not be possible to get this example so i have to write it be my self, but for that i need to understand what i have to to to write in a savety way to the Flash.

    Do i understand this correctly,in the example of SDK tha Data will be written on the Last Page every Time again and again ? And after the Page is full it begins at the start adress again? But this is not the way i want to use it, i need to write as much as possible into the Flash, not only to one Page.

    Please Nordic give me Some more support, i really try to understand but its hard for me, more examples would be great,

    Thank you and best regards nils

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