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Possible bug / issue: I have noticedthat nRF Sniffer for Bluetooth LE v3.x and Wireshark 3.2 Win 10 64 biti s non working, Wireshark 3.0.7 is working fine . Maybe a bug within your tolls or wireshark 3.2 ?

Hello, i intsalled the software stack for use with latest release of nrf sniffer package.

By starting the capture process with wireshark 3.2 i have noticed an issue:

In most cases wireshark crashes, if not i never reveived BLE packages.


As shown in the nrf sniffer manual v2.2 the firmware on the board is running properly if LED 1 blinks if receiving packages,

In my case it does so there must be some BLE trafic.


After i downgraded wireshark to 3.0.7 asll working fine , wonder why, maybe a bug ?

I think this can be usefull for others ,too

Nice Chrismas and a happy new year ;-)

