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DFU with NRF Connect (linux) write failure with unknown value (0x8005)

Hi there,
I have been trying recently to DFU a custom device using desktop nrf connect, and I get an error message as in the following picture right after pressing start DFU

I'm using Ubuntu 18.04

as you can see nRF Connect is 3.3V, debugger is PCA10056 (nRF52840 DK)

from Log; Connectivity firmware version 4.1.1, SoftDevice API version: 3. baud rate: 1000000.

nrfjprog version: 10.5.0

JLinkARM.dll version: 6.60a

I've added udev rule, so I'm assuming that DK has permission

also please note that I've tried to DFU using same everything (DK, custom board, firmware same nRF connect version) but different windows 10 setup and it did worked ok.

in the Log, there was a message not showing also, Received status with code 4 Unknown value, message: "Error sending packet to target. Code 0x802a"

Parents Reply
  • Are you sure it is the right file ? It shouldn't be s140 ? 
    I am getting an error with this FW when i connect to it using nRF Connect :

    Application data folder: C:\Users\D.Berger\AppData\Roaming\nrfconnect\pc-nrfconnect-ble
    Validating connectivity firmware for device with serial number 000683954026...
    Connectivity firmware is valid.
    Getting information from J-Link debugger...
    Found device type: unknown. J-Link firmware: J-Link OB-SAM3U128-V2-NordicSemi compiled Jan 21 2020 17:30:48.
    Connectivity firmware version: 4.1.1. SoftDevice API version: 3. Baud rate: 1000000.
    Opening adapter connected to COM6
    Successfully opened COM6. Baud rate: 1000000. Flow control: none. Parity: none.
    Reset performed on adapter COM6
    Received status with code 0 PKT_SEND_MAX_RETRIES_REACHED, message: 'No response from device. Tried to send packet 6 times.'
    serial port COM6 closed.
    Error occured when opening port. Errorcode: NRF_ERROR_TIMEOUT (0xd)