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Our BLE peripheral uses a custom GATT service similar to the NUS (Nordic UART service) used in the SDK example app_ble_uart. The peripheral receives data on the UART peripheral (not UARTE) from an external device at 115200 baud with full hardware handshaking.

Our PDU data length is configured as 251 and our MTU size as 247.
The peripheral repeatedly calls sd_ble_gatts_hvx with a 244 byte ATT data packet but we only receive 4 BLE_GATTS_EVT_HVN_TX_COMPLETE events.

You can see on the oscilloscope screenshot below that we have called sd_ble_gatts_hvx 11 times (SD_SEND) but have only received TX_COMPLETE 4 times. We keep track of the number of notifications available to us so we no longer try to send after calling sd_ble_gatts_hvx 7 times since the last TX_COMPLETE event.

We are outputting any errors returned by the sd_ble_gatts_hvx call using a spare GPIO line (SD_SEND_ERR) and you can see that there are none.

We have tried keeping the PDU data length configured as 251 and our MTU size as 247, but calling sd_ble_gatts_hvx with 200 byte data payload instead and this has resolved the issue.

So the main question is why do we stop receiving the BLE_GATTS_EVT_HVN_TX_COMPLETE event when we use the maximum payload size?

More detailed setup information:

BLE peripheral = nrf52 dev kit (PCA10040).
BLE central = custom hardware using nrf52832.

We are using the S132 SoftDevice v 7.0.1.
We are not using the nRF SDK driver or HAL layers – we’re interfacing with the peripherals directly, but the chip header files we’re using are taken from SDK version 15.2.

BLE connection parameters:

Connection interval 7.5ms
Event length 7.5ms
Slave latency 0.
Connection supervisory timeout 1s.
Extended event length enabled.

MTU size 247
PDU data length 251
BLE notifications queue size (hvn_tx_queue_size) 7

Happy to provide more information if needed.

  • Hi,

    There is not a one-to-one mapping between the number of Tx packets and the number of BLE_GATTS_EVT_HVN_TX_COMPLETE. This is because the event comes with a count field, which can be more than 1. I suspect that is the case here.

  • Hi Einar, thanks for your response. 

    We take the count into account when tracking the number of available buffers.

    Here is our event handler:

    __STATIC_INLINE void fnOnNotificationComplete(const uint16_t conn_handle, ble_evt_t const * p_ble_evt)
        ble_gatts_evt_hvn_tx_complete_t const * p_evt_complete = &p_ble_evt->evt.gatts_evt.params.hvn_tx_complete;
        guNotifyBuffersAvailable += p_evt_complete->count; // increase available buffers for notifications by the number of completed

    And we then decrement guNotifyBuffersAvailable each time we call 'sd_ble_gatts_hvx'.

  • Hi,

    I see. Looking at your explanation and the plot it seems you do not get any error from sd_ble_gatts_hvx(). If so, that means that the connection is still up and the packet is buffered and should be transmitted. I cannot think of any obvious reason why this should fail, but it is interesting that you don't see this issue when reducing the length you send with sd_ble_gatts_hvx () to 200.

    Are all 11 packets received by the peer in this case, so that it looks like the BLE_GATTS_EVT_HVN_TX_COMPLETE events are somehow lost? Or are they not transmitted, so that the missing BLE_GATTS_EVT_HVN_TX_COMPLETE events seem correct? Can you show more of your code, both how you send data and how and where you toggle the GPIO pins from the plot (particularly SD_SEND, SD_TX_CPLT, and SD_SEND_ERR)?

  • Yes, of course. Not all of the data is received by the peer, in fact the most that I've seen it receive is 212 bytes. I have some screenshots of what's going on over the air (taken using Wireshark and the nRF sniffer) that I can send you. 
    I'll also send you the code snippets you've requested. It will take me some some time to collate the information but I should get back to you later today.

  • Hi again, sorry for the delay. I decided to recapture the data. On this occasion the peer received 212 bytes.

    Below are the OTA packets for the lower transmission size (200 bytes). As you can see, the normal ATT packet length is 207, but sometimes the packet is split into multiple transmissions by the SoftDevice within the connection interval:

    Here is the Wireshark capture for the higher transmission size (244 bytes):

    Over the air it looks like there are far more transmissions than the 11 SD_SEND calls seen on the scope. It looks like the link layer sequence number is wrong?

    Code snippets below:

    Toggling SD_SEND:

    The pin goes high for each byte sent and the SoftDevice call is within fnBleStack_SendNotification(). 
    The pin is toggled irrespective of the value of err_code, which is why we scope that too.

       uint32_t i;
       for (i = 0; i < length; i++)
       uint16_t actual = length;
       uint32_t err_code = fnBleStack_SendNotification(gstInHandles.value_handle, p_data, &actual);

    Toggling SD_TX_CPLT:

    __STATIC_INLINE void fnOnNotificationComplete(const uint16_t conn_handle, ble_evt_t const * p_ble_evt)
       ble_gatts_evt_hvn_tx_complete_t const * p_evt_complete = &p_ble_evt->evt.gatts_evt.params.hvn_tx_complete;
       guNotifyBuffersAvailable += p_evt_complete->count; // increase available buffers for notifications by the number of completed

    Toggling SD_SEND_ERR:

    I won't paste all the code for this... but effectively it's just a huge switch statement comparing the value of err_code to all the possible return codes as described by the documentation.
    For each error code we toggle the pin a different number of times... e.g

       switch (err_code)
       case NRF_SUCCESS:
           for (i = 0; i < 1; i++)
       } ...


    uint32_t fnBleStack_SendNotification(const uint16_t value_handle, const uint8_t * const p_data, uint16_t * p_length)
       if (!fnBleStack_IsConnected())
       ble_gatts_hvx_params_t const hvx_param =
          .type = BLE_GATT_HVX_NOTIFICATION,
          .handle = value_handle,
          .p_data = p_data,
          .p_len = p_length,
       return sd_ble_gatts_hvx(ghConnection, &hvx_param);

  • Hi again, sorry for the delay. I decided to recapture the data. On this occasion the peer received 212 bytes.

    Below are the OTA packets for the lower transmission size (200 bytes). As you can see, the normal ATT packet length is 207, but sometimes the packet is split into multiple transmissions by the SoftDevice within the connection interval:

    Here is the Wireshark capture for the higher transmission size (244 bytes):

    Over the air it looks like there are far more transmissions than the 11 SD_SEND calls seen on the scope. It looks like the link layer sequence number is wrong?

    Code snippets below:

    Toggling SD_SEND:

    The pin goes high for each byte sent and the SoftDevice call is within fnBleStack_SendNotification(). 
    The pin is toggled irrespective of the value of err_code, which is why we scope that too.

       uint32_t i;
       for (i = 0; i < length; i++)
       uint16_t actual = length;
       uint32_t err_code = fnBleStack_SendNotification(gstInHandles.value_handle, p_data, &actual);

    Toggling SD_TX_CPLT:

    __STATIC_INLINE void fnOnNotificationComplete(const uint16_t conn_handle, ble_evt_t const * p_ble_evt)
       ble_gatts_evt_hvn_tx_complete_t const * p_evt_complete = &p_ble_evt->evt.gatts_evt.params.hvn_tx_complete;
       guNotifyBuffersAvailable += p_evt_complete->count; // increase available buffers for notifications by the number of completed

    Toggling SD_SEND_ERR:

    I won't paste all the code for this... but effectively it's just a huge switch statement comparing the value of err_code to all the possible return codes as described by the documentation.
    For each error code we toggle the pin a different number of times... e.g

       switch (err_code)
       case NRF_SUCCESS:
           for (i = 0; i < 1; i++)
       } ...


    uint32_t fnBleStack_SendNotification(const uint16_t value_handle, const uint8_t * const p_data, uint16_t * p_length)
       if (!fnBleStack_IsConnected())
       ble_gatts_hvx_params_t const hvx_param =
          .type = BLE_GATT_HVX_NOTIFICATION,
          .handle = value_handle,
          .p_data = p_data,
          .p_len = p_length,
       return sd_ble_gatts_hvx(ghConnection, &hvx_param);
