I want to use PSM with aws fota sample. Do the mqtt level is compatible ?
How to activate psm and check if it s enabled ?
Thank you
I want to use PSM with aws fota sample. Do the mqtt level is compatible ?
How to activate psm and check if it s enabled ?
Thank you
I want to use PSM with aws fota sample. Do the mqtt level is compatible ?
MQTT QoS level is a protocol feature, and will require a longer sequence for ACKing a message, as described here: https://www.hivemq.com/blog/mqtt-essentials-part-6-mqtt-quality-of-service-levels/
This shouldn't interfere with your PSM, unless the active time is very low.
How to activate psm and check if it s enabled ?
You can request it via this call: https://github.com/NordicPlayground/fw-nrfconnect-nrf/blob/master/lib/lte_link_control/lte_lc.c#L349
This is essentially the AT+CPSMS command.
To check the interval you have dynamically received from the cell tower, you should issue a AT+CEREG=5 and query AT+CEREG?
The last two bit masks will then give a status on the PSM.
If your repo is updated, you can use this function to fetch the intervals: https://github.com/NordicPlayground/fw-nrfconnect-nrf/blob/master/lib/lte_link_control/lte_lc.c#L359
Kind regards,
Thank you for your help.