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What does app_trace_log do? (DM_LOG, DM_ERR, DM_DUMP and more)

The function dm_ble_evt_handler has codes like this.

void dm_ble_evt_handler(ble_evt_t * p_ble_evt){ // from device_manager_peripheral.c
     switch (p_ble_evt->header.evt_id)
     { // neglecting other parts...
                  //Disconnection could be peer or self initiated hence disconnecting and connecting
                  //both states are permitted, however, connection handle must be known.
                  DM_LOG("[DM]: Disconnect Reason 0x%04X\r\n",
                  m_connection_table[index].state &= (~STATE_CONNECTED);

What does the DM_LOG Macro do? Where does this string is shown?

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