I try to run BLE HRS collector example.
when I run the project, in RTT terminal I have these error
00> sd_ble_enable: app_ram_base should be adjusted to 0x20001CD8
00> ram size should be adjusted to 0x2328
00> Initialize...
so I change the RAM START ADDRESS and SIZE but after run, I got these errors:
00> Heart rate collector example
00> RAM START ADDR 0x20001CD8 should be adjusted to 0x20001B68
00> RAM SIZE should be adjusted to 0x2498
00> sd_ble_enable: RAM START at 0x20001CD8
again I change it to these new addresses and sizes in the error message but I got these errors in a loop now!
00> sd_ble_enable: RAM START at 0x20001B68
00> sd_ble_enable: app_ram_base should be adjusted to 0x20001CD8
00> sd_ble_enable: app_ram_base should be adjusted to 0x20001CD8
00> Initialize...
00> Heart rate collector example
00> sd_ble_enable: RAM START at 0x20001B68
00> sd_ble_enable: app_ram_base should be adjusted to 0x20001CD8
00> Initialize...
00> Heart rate collector example
00> sd_ble_enable: RAM START at 0x20001B68
00> sd_ble_enable: app_ram_base should be adjusted to 0x20001CD8
00> Initialize...
00> Heart rate collector example
00> sd_ble_enable: RAM START at 0x20001B68
00> sd_ble_enable: app_ram_base should be adjusted to 0x20001CD8
What I must do?