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AF_LTE socket and nrfxlib

After many hours of successful LTE connections and using the AF_LTE socket just fine (many creates, many send/receive, many closes), my application now hangs on a call to socket(AF_LTE,0,NPROTO_AT). Hung, as in the call to socket() does not return. I have no idea where to look to resolve this. Is the nrfxlib code available for review? I'll sign an NDA if I can get my eyes on it. I've spent way too much time trying to code around strange behavior in nrfxlib/nrf/zephyr.

This is running on nrf9160 DK, modem fw v1.1.1 and NCS v1.2.0


  • Hi.

    I can not give you access to the bsdlib source code. However, I can try to help you find the source of the problem.

    Do you use the at_cmd library to send AT commands?

    Do you see similar behavior on other types of sockets?

    How many other sockets are you using (and are you using the lwm2m_carrier library or other libraries that might use sockets)?

    Are you able to capture a modem trace that captures the problem?

    Best regards,


  • Hi,

    I do not use at_cmd, I rolled my own (prior to when the at_* libs were mature enough for my use)

    I have seen various socket issues over the past several months and have several tickets in devzone. They have all(?) been resolved by now.

    I should have no more than 3 sockets open at once (AF_LTE for monitoring the modem is always open and normally waiting on recv(); AF_LTE for commanding the modem, only occasionally; AF_INET for send/recv of UDP data once we are connected to the network). My occasional AF_LTE socket for commanding keeps getting fd=1 or 2 when created, so I don't think I am leaking them anyplace. I'm not using any additional libs that should be using sockets (and not using lwm2m_carrier).

    This happens very infrequently and I cannot get modem traces as my application also uses the nrf52840 on the DK.

    I'm curious what the socket call might be doing that would cause it to hang? I can deal with errors, but hanging threads is much more difficult. If you can't share the bsdlib source, can you give some insight to what may be happening?

  • I'm glad you were finally able to reproduce the error. I'm curious why it took much longer for you though. My tests are running on 9160dk rev 0.8.2.

    Is there anything inherently wrong with the design of the code regarding how it accesses the modem? Your answer above suggests that perhaps a mutex would be needed when issuing AT commands.

  • The response from the modem team was mostly as I expected:

    You should wait for a response to the AT commands you send, and ensure that you read back the data sent from the modem so that you don't run out of memory used to communicate with the modem.

    This is also probably what causes the application to hang. As there is no more memory that can be used to communicate with the modem, the application is not able to open new sockets or sending new commands.


    miked531 said:
    Your answer above suggests that perhaps a mutex would be needed when issuing AT commands.

     Yes, using a mutex to restrict the access to the modem to only one thread at a time could solve some of your problems. The main point though is that you should wait for a reply before you send a new AT command.

    However, both of the traces show that the modem crashes at the end. Both the crashes are due to the same cause, for which the modem team already has a fix. Future releases of the modem firmware will have this fix, and will hopefully solve the problem you are seeing in your original application.

    I suggest that you take another look at your AT command library, and try to limit it to just sending one command at a time.

  • In my quick test that I just coded up, the mutex around the AT and response has apparently resolved the issue.

    Do you have an estimate as to when the modem fix will be released?

  • Great to hear that it seems to work now!

    I can not comment on future releases. For that, you should contact your Regional Sales Manager.

    If you do not know how to contact your RSM, you can send me a private message with your location, and I will provide you with the contact information.

  • Hi.

    A new version of the modem firmware (v1.2.0) was just released and has this bug fix.

    The bug fix will also be present in future patch releases for the 1.0.x and 1.1.x versions.

    Best regards,


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