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IOS 7 not seeing service for UUID 1812 /HID

I am trying to use the ble mouse sample in SDK 4.4.1, and iOS7

I am able to view and connect to the HID peripheral "1812"

but for some reason I am unable to discover the Services for 1812, I can see services fo UUID '180A' ,'180F' etc, but notthing for 1812. not sure if i am missing something here.

  • It looks like apple filters these services ::D

    When third party iOS applications discover services on the accessory, the following services are used internally by iOS and are filtered out from the list of discovered services: Generic Attribute Profile Service Generic Access Profile Service Bluetooth Low Energy HID Service Apple Notification Center Service

  • It looks like apple filters these services ::D

    When third party iOS applications discover services on the accessory, the following services are used internally by iOS and are filtered out from the list of discovered services: Generic Attribute Profile Service Generic Access Profile Service Bluetooth Low Energy HID Service Apple Notification Center Service
