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How to arrange Ble and Ant+ event ?

Hello, Nordic

I'm developing with nrf52840, s340, sdk 16.0.0, gcc-arm-none-eabi-7-2018-q2 in my customboard.

Currently, I'm using master of Ble and Ant.

It is possible to get datas from Ble sensor once a second if I don't try to search Ant sensor.

However, if I open channel to search Ant sensor and then it is not possible to get datas from Ble sensor once a second.

I just receive 2 ~ 3 seconds delayed datas that send from ble sensor. 

Please, let me know how to solve this problem. 

Parents Reply
  • From time to time there may be collisions on air and packet loss due to interference. So that you may receive sporadic EVENT_RX_FAIL is something you should expect. In this case I notice you have a BLE interval of 500ms and an ANT channel of ~250ms. This will mean that you from time to time can get an EVENT_RX_FAIL (they drift over eachother). If you in addition open an ANT channel search you need to have the priority to low/ background search to minimize the effect on the already open ANT channel. If you still experience issues I don't think there is much you can do. You can try to configure BLE slave latency (>0) of the peripheral, this will allow to trade some lower throughput of BLE for ANT, you may also look into if you can use a different interval for BLE (e.g. ~490ms instead of 500ms).

    Best regards,
