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nRF9160 device functionality after a week


I'm using latest master branch of nRF Connect SDK and pre-released modem FW 1.1.2 which is including ANT->AUX switching. I'm developing a firmware for a custom board that has nRF9160 SiP.

I would like to set the device to start GPS once a week. I have read the Date-Time Library and wondered if it's possible to use that library to set the device to start GPS at the specific time. Does anyone any suggestions how to do that?

But for now I have done it with k_delayed_work_submit_to_queue() and set the delay to one week. One week is 168 hours but that value is not working, I tested some different values and noticed that 163h is the maximum that is working in that function. If the value is 164 hours or more it seems to start the work immediately.

Why is that happening? Is there any other way to get 168 hours working than for example adding another delayed work with 8 hours to queue after 160 hours?

Here is some parts of the code:

static int gps_start_delay_hours = 160;		// one week - 8 hours

/* Stack definition for application workqueue */
static struct k_work_q application_work_q;

static struct k_delayed_work start_gps_work;

/**@brief Callback for GPS events */
static void gps_handler(struct device *dev, struct gps_event *evt)

		if (gps_failed_fix_attempts >= CONFIG_GPS_CONTROL_MAX_FAILED_FIX_ATTEMPTS) {
                    &start_gps_work, K_HOURS(gps_start_delay_hours));


/**@brief Start GPS. */
static void start_gps(struct k_work *work)

void main(void)
	k_work_q_start(&application_work_q, application_stack_area,

    k_delayed_work_init(&start_gps_work, start_gps);


  • And when I'm using K_HOURS(160) in k_delayed_work_submit_to_queue(), the device seems to start GPS after 14h 20min. All of about 5 devices with that 160h has done that, they have been running through the weekend. Any ideas why?

  • This is a very important part of our device right now and I would really use a help.

  • I looked some at this, but have not figured out the cause yet. I'll share my temporary findings.

    I checked if K_MINUTES worked properly for different values and got these results (blue text-->K_MINUTES worked):

    • K_MINUTES(2880)
      • This should be (2880 minutes)*(60 seconds/minute)*(1000ms/sec) = 172 800 000 ms
      • This should be (172 800 000* 32768 + 999)/1000 = 5.662 × 10^9 ticks
      • printk("2880 minutes to ticks to ms: %llu\n",__ticks_to_ms(K_MINUTES(2880).ticks)); gives: 2880 minutes to ticks to ms: 41728000 ms (~695 minutes)
      • printk("2880 minutes in ticks: %llu\n",K_MINUTES(2880).ticks); gives: 2880 minutes in ticks: 1367343104 ticks
    • K_MINUTES(2160)
      • This should be (2160 minutes)*(60 seconds/minute)*(1000ms/sec) = 129 600 000 ms
      • This should be (129 600 000* 32768 + 999)/1000 = 4.2467 × 10^9 ticks
      • printk("2160 minutes in ticks: %llu\n",K_MINUTES(2160).ticks) gives: 4 246 732 800
      • printk("2160 minutes to ticks to ms: %llu\n",__ticks_to_ms(K_MINUTES(2160).ticks)) gives: 129 600 000
    • K_MINUTES(5040)
      • This should be (5040 minutes)*(60 seconds/minute)*(1000ms/sec) = 302 400 000 ms ()
      • This should be (302 400 000* 32768 + 999)/1000 = 9.909 × 10^9 ticks
      • printk("5040 minutes in ticks: %llu\n",K_MINUTES(5040).ticks) gives: 5040 minutes in ticks: 1319108608
      • printk("5040 minutes to ticks to ms: %llu\n",__ticks_to_ms(K_MINUTES(5040).ticks)) gives: 5040 minutes to ticks to ms: 40256000
    • K_MINUTES(4320)
      • This should be (4320minutes)*(60 seconds/minute)*(1000ms/sec) = 2.592 × 10^8
      • This should be (2.592 × 10^8* 32768 + 999)/1000 = 8.49347 × 10^9 ticks
      • printk("4320 minutes in ticks: %llu\n",K_MINUTES(4320).ticks) gives: 4320 minutes in ticks: 4.1985x 10^9
      • printk("4320 minutes to ticks to ms: %llu\n",__ticks_to_ms(K_MINUTES(4320).ticks)) gives: 4320 minutes to ticks to ms: 1.2813 x 10^8

    I will continue investigating this when I get time

    Best regards,


  • My apologies for the delay, I've been quite busy lately. Hopefully, this issue isn't keeping you stuck. I will try to get to the bottom of this within this week.

    Best regards,


  • Hi Simon,

    No worries, it's not keeping me stuck. For now it's in "would be nice to have" state so it's not that urgent case.

    BR, Tero

  • Could you try to ask about this in or to get in direct contact with the developers of these libraries and ask if there is a bug?

    I tested k_delayed_work_submit_to_queue(&my_work_q, &, 

    K_MINUTES(2160)) and tried to watch what happened in the underlying functions:

    • k_delayed_work_submit_to_queue() (ncs\v1.3.0\zephyr\kernel\work_q.c) →
      • z_add_timeout() (ncs\v1.3.0\zephyr\kernel\timeout.c)

    I added some logging in z_add_timeout(),

    void z_add_timeout(struct _timeout *to, _timeout_func_t fn,
    		   k_timeout_t timeout)
    		if (t == NULL) {
    			sys_dlist_append(&timeout_list, &to->node);
    		printk("z_add_timeout-->timeout: %llu\n", next_timeout());
    		if (to == first()) {
    			z_clock_set_timeout(next_timeout(), false);

    and got the following: "z_add_timeout-->timeout: 0", which is why it triggers immediately I think.

    If you don't get any help from the above links, please tell me and I will try to get to the bottom of it.

    Best regards,


  • Hi Simon,

    Thanks for the more detailed information! I created a bug report in so let's see if they are going to solve this.

    EDIT: It seems to be already fixed in Zephyr but it's not pushed to NCS yet. If you want to check the ticket I created, here is the link:

    Best regards,

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