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nrf9160 Band Selection Algorithm

We are wondering how nrf9160 modem decides which band to use when there are multiple bands available (LTE CAT NB) and there isn't any apllied band lock from the software side. In our use case, although there are 2 bands available for the device, it selects mostly the one which has worse RSSI. Is it possible to make one band preferable without locking the other band?

Best Regards,

  • Hello,

    there is no way to manually set priority on bands, if that's what you're asking. However, the modem will prioritize bands automatically based on previous connection attempts. I would guess it prioritizes based on signal strength, that would make the most sense. So it is a bit strange that in your case it chooses the band with the lowest RSSI. It is important that you turn the modem off with AT+CFUN=0 before rebooting, otherwise the modem will not store information from the network search, and thus it won't be able to prioritize correctly.

  • Hello,

    there is no way to manually set priority on bands, if that's what you're asking. However, the modem will prioritize bands automatically based on previous connection attempts. I would guess it prioritizes based on signal strength, that would make the most sense. So it is a bit strange that in your case it chooses the band with the lowest RSSI. It is important that you turn the modem off with AT+CFUN=0 before rebooting, otherwise the modem will not store information from the network search, and thus it won't be able to prioritize correctly.

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