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SDK v 4.3, S110 v 5.2 and a totally new gcc toolchain.

Hi all, the release note of SDK 4.3.0 reports that it was tested and verified using BLE S110 version 5.2

When it will be available (version 5.2) ? Actually we can download only version 5.1

The same note reports a switching from gcc CodeSourcery to gcc-arm-embedded (launchpad).

Why such a sudden change? What are the benefits ?


  • I don't want to speak for Nordic, but I believe they've indicated only Keil is 'officially' supported toolchain.

    Everything else is for entertainment purposes only, as far as I know ;)

    I'm sure Ole can provide a more concrete and official answer when he has a moment.


  • Keil runs only on windows ... and uVision is a dreadful IDE.


  • GCC is now officially supported, but unfortunately the support is quite limited (only ble_app_hrs of the BLE applications in the SDK comes with a Makefile).

    It should however be possible to get everything in the SDK working with GCC if you want to and need it. As far as I have seen with SDK 4.3.0, most (all?) examples compiles without problems if you just create a Makefile.

  • I'm not at work now, so I can't check it in detail, but I actually think that this could be just a typo, as the S110 version 5.2 is not quite finished yet as far as I know. Anyway, the only change from 5.1 to 5.2 will be support for a new chip revision, which is about to be rolled out, so since none of you have this (yet), there isn't anything fun in the new S110 release.

    The change of toolchain was as far as I've understood it mostly done for availability reasons. The Lite version of the CodeSourcery toolchain seemed to become constantly harder to find an actual download link for, while the gcc-arm-embedded toolchain puts download links (for all platforms) up front. If you've started using CodeSourcery, you will most likely be fine continuing to do so, but our builds are no longer being tested with this.

  • I've tested the new toolchain that Nordic has adopted and, without the nightmare about the porting of CS3 libraries from linux to OS X, now, is a new life.

    Upgrading the gcc toolchain on OS X, is a breeze.

    Perfect choice Nordic, congratulations.

    Mac OS X developers, finally, have the chances to code, compile and debug nRF51822 firmware directly in OS X.

    Gcc ld scripts in SDK work perfectly in Eclipse with gnu ARM Plugin.

    Hoping in a support from Nordic to release an Xcode plugin for this toolchain.


