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Cheap programmers for nRF51822 breakout boards

Hi guys,

I am having a breakout board made and would like to know what are the programmers out there which I can buy which will help me program the board. The J-Link is outside my budget. Is there anything else which can do the job for me?

  • My recommendation is to get hold of a nRF51822 Development Kit. That kit includes a programmer that can be used for custom boards, as long as they run on ~3 V, a few sample chips a Master Emulator dongle and the product key you need to get access to the softdevice and SDK.

    A development kit should be available through a distributor in your country, which you can find a list of by selecting your country on the bottom of our main site, or online from for example

  • My recommendation is to get hold of a nRF51822 Development Kit. That kit includes a programmer that can be used for custom boards, as long as they run on ~3 V, a few sample chips a Master Emulator dongle and the product key you need to get access to the softdevice and SDK.

    A development kit should be available through a distributor in your country, which you can find a list of by selecting your country on the bottom of our main site, or online from for example

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