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The correct procedure to uninit uarte then reinitialize it

I'm developing a project that use BLE advertise and uart communication with other uC.

The uart part is based on libuarte example. To decrease the current consumption, I think we must uninit uarte before system sleep, then reinitialize it when wakeup.

void uc_deInit()
  //when uarte inited then uninit, current consumption keep higher about 0.8ma, workarounds below
  //If you are using UARTE1 the base address is 0x40028000
  *(volatile uint32_t *)0x40002FFC = 0;
  *(volatile uint32_t *)0x40002FFC;
  *(volatile uint32_t *)0x40002FFC = 1;
  uartInited = false;

void uc_init()
    ret_code_t err_code;
    nrf_libuarte_async_config_t nrf_libuarte_async_config = {
            .tx_pin     = UC_TX_PIN,
            .rx_pin     = UC_RX_PIN,
            .baudrate   = UARTE_BAUDRATE_BAUDRATE_Baud1M,
            .parity     = NRF_UARTE_PARITY_EXCLUDED,
            .hwfc       = NRF_UARTE_HWFC_DISABLED,
            .timeout_us = 100, //86us/byte
            .pullup_rx  = false,//true,
            .int_prio   = APP_IRQ_PRIORITY_HIGH

    err_code = nrf_libuarte_async_init(&libuarte, &nrf_libuarte_async_config, uart_event_handler, (void *)&libuarte);
    uartInited = true;


Everything works before first sleep, when uc_deInit() executed then uc_init(), the NRF stop receiving but transmit works, I can confirm the UC received the NRF tx packet and response, but uart_event_handler never triggered.

So, what is the correct procedure for my purpose?


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