Hi all. Knows anyone someone who use this module with power amplifier ?? Rf module nRF24L01+PA+LNA . I test it .. but still have same distance like module with no PA .. and searching way to obtain why .. and if is it possible .. I use antenna .. standard antenna from WiFi router.. gateway is powered from USB .. use 3.3V regulator .. and very big capacitor on power pin for RF module. if measure 3.3V deviation in Tx mode then have less than 13mV .. and I don't think that 13mV is big .. ..I test it with small sensor with led and buzzer .. if lost signal then give me signal.. also use nRF24L01+PA+LNA module with big capacitor .. but power from 2xAA battery .. total 3V .. and I don't think so this is problem.. in all is used MySensors firmware with ATmega328p , internal 8Mhz RC oscilator.. how to test it .. how to check what is problem .. if test module with PCB antenna then have same distance.. and it's not normal.. if module with PA just add 1 or 2db then must have more then 10% longer distance .. IF I test module CC1101 with maximum +12db output power (868Mhz) then have very nice distance .. I know 2.4Ghz is different like 868Mhz .. But I test in free space.. not in building.. best regards.. your's idea ??
here is link for module what I test : www.google.sk/url
Solved 16:53 24.3.2015 in nRF register must change PA setting to -12dB .. and then work good .. I still test with +0dB output power .. then external PA not working good ..