I have two Nordic BLE devices, one nrf52-DK that has peripherial_uart application and nrf52840-DK that has central_uart application. This works well, but the thing I need to change is buffer size (from central to peripheral) which is set to 20 bytes by default. I need it to be much bigger, around 500 bytes. This is because I need it to send more data et once, and not 20 my 20 bytes.
I have managed to change this on the peripherial_uart application size in the Kconfig file so now buffer on the peripheral side is 1024. On the central size I have tried changing buffer size in the main file: #define UART_BUF_SIZE 20, from 20 to something bigger, but I get a fault when try to send data that is bigger than 20 bytes.
What else needs to be done besides just increasing buffer size on both applications? I suppose there is something with BLE or NUS?
I am using Ubuntu 18.04LTS and NCS v1.2.0
Best regards,